The Private Cløud_

A range of self-hosted services and other things

#What is this?
The Private Cløud is a self-hosting initiative, by Nocturn9x. Our goal is to reduce our dependence on Cløud services offered by large enterprises by creating a small private ecosystem of Cløud services, proxies, privacy-focused front ends and the like.
#What kind of services are hosted at The Private Cløud??
⚠️ Please note that some services require a password or login.
⚠️ The access data can be requested from us on Telegram.
⚠️ This is for the purpose of abuse protection.
⚠️ Respect our rules to use our services!

Alternative frontends
Cløud services
File sharing
Game servers
#What email domains do you have?

We have a pretty big list, with some really quirky domain names :p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

If you want an address under a listed domain, you only need to contact us as usual.
If you want to use one of our domains in a commercial project, let us know.

#Can you talk about your infrastructure?

We have thought about self hosting our services at home, certain members do this but not everything works as you would imagine. So we rely on Cløud computers in certain areas.
However, some things, such as NextCløud, Plex, Jellyfin, etc. are hosted on our personal home servers. We know HDDs are cheap per terabyte ;-)

Our main server is hosted under SpaceCore. After Nocturn9x getting banned and ignored from Hetzner for no reason (they probably don't really like nitter/invidious and is thereby violated no data protection rights)! The decision was quickly made. A new hoster must come and the decision fell on SpaceCore, located in France and we never had any problems with them. Really recommendable!

The Private Cløud are hosted on personal servers of The Private Cløud members.

#What about uptime? backups?

We have developed a customized backup system for our servers. Every day a snapshot from our main servers is encrypted and stored in 7 different locations.
As for The Private Cløud Services uptime, you can check the status of our servers here here and here.

#Who is behind all of this?

We have a nice little Telegram community of people who support the project, problem solve with each other and invest time working on it. So if you like our project and want to help, you can ask @Nocturn9x on Telegram for an invite to the group chat.
If you would like to donate: this or send BTC to 13FV7X5gLGSrF3ecX5A83y21qayQTMXwqC.

#What are the rules?

is forbidden.

  • It is forbidden to defraud users through the Services.
  • Sending spam and using the services for hacking is prohibited.
  • We do not tolerate abuse!

    By using the Services, you agree to the above rules. If you do not agree, you will not be able to use our services. If we detect a violation, we will block your account/IP, and depending on the severity of the violation, we will initiate regulatory action. These rules are subject to change, and changes will be posted here.

    If you need assistance in understanding these rules or would like clarification, please contact us.

    That said, we care deeply about your rights and will carefully review any report of abusive activity on a case-by-case basis. This project was started mainly to create a more resilient place than the classic enterprise services. It all started when Nocturn9x was banned from Github after commenting on the Faker.js drama.

    If you would like to report a misuse or a violation: contact us or use this form.

    #How can I get in touch with you?

    The Private Cløud, 2022-2024 | Last Update: 30. January 2024